Technology aided and Practical Oriented Innovative Trends in Engineering Education
The mission of Electrical Engineering department of Atharva College of Engineering (ACE) is to create a new generation of engineers right from the first batch with a spirit of innovation and creativity. The Institute cherishes a dream of becoming a leading centre in Engineering and Technology with an international outlook in the years to come. As a first step, a sincere effort has been started to remove the considerable gap between education and employability of the much-in-demand graduate pool. For excellent placement opportunities, special sessions have been arranged to provide training to students in order to inculcate problem solving approach in them for clearing entrance exams, mock GD for placement in companies with an emphasis on various programming languages. This paper innumerate several steps taken in Electrical department of ACE to improve the skill set of graduates, emphasize soft skills, refocus the assessments, teaching-learning process and curriculum away from remembering but including analysis, research and innovation as per the Blooms taxonomy. The interaction with various employers has been carried out by conducting Industry Institute Interaction (III) to understand the present demand of skills e.g. basic knowledge of the subjects, software-C, C++, Java programming, Autocad, Matlab coding and simulation etc. required in the corporate sector.
Innovative Trends, Moodle, Wiksate, IEDC, Ember E-Cell, E-Yantra.
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