Effective Use of Information and Communication Technology in Enhancing Teaching-Learning Outcomes:Some Thoughts
Teaching-learning process is the important component of any education system. In the context of outcome based education (OBE), its outcomes have assumed significance. There has been a paradigm shift from a teacher-centered education system to a learner-centered system, where students play a major role. The explosion in information and communication technology has impacted education in a big way. There has been a sustained interest and use of information and communication technology (ICT) in higher education. This paper tries to provide some perspective on use of ICT for enhancing the teaching learning outcomes. Video is one technology which is being widely used both in normal mode and distance mode for delivery of education. Some thoughts on use of video has been discussed based on the literature and a plan of action for implementing video in teaching one course in the author's institution has been presented. A survey instrument regarding use of ICT by teachers has been administered and the results of the same have been presented to establish the need for use of ICT in teaching learning process.
Outcome Based Education, Information and Communication Technology, Video.
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