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GPBL:An Effective Way to Improve Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills in Engineering Education

Sunita M. Dol *


  • Computer Science and Engineering, Department,Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur, India



There are various active learning strategies like Game based Learning (GBL), Puzzle based Learning (PBL), Project based Learning, Problem based Learning etc to improve students' knowledge. Puzzle based learning (PBL) can be used to attract, motivate, and retain students as well as to improve the critical thinking and problem solving ability of students. Similarly Game based Learning (GBL) can also be used to promote students' interest and engagement, and provide immediate feedback on performance. Hence in this study, I designed the GPBL(Game and Puzzle based Learning)which is the combination of the PBL and GBL to improve the critical thinking and problem solving ability of students. So in GPBL,Crossword puzzle,word search puzzle, word scramble puzzle and word match puzzle are considered while game considered is snake and Ladder game. This activity was conducted for the course Digital Technique of Second Year Computer Science and Engineering. Twelve puzzles (three Crossword puzzles, three Word Search puzzles, three Word Matching puzzles and three Word Scramble puzzles) and three Snake and Ladder games are considered as a part of this GPBL activity which covers the syllabus of the course Digital Technique. Also the feedback related to this activity is presented.


Game Based Learning (GBL), Puzzle Based Learning (PBL), Crossword Puzzle, Word Search Puzzle, Word Matching Puzzle, Word Scramble, Snake and Ladder, Game and Puzzle Based Learning (GPBL).

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