Volume 3, Issue 4, July 1990

Table of Contents


Editorial  | 
Total views: 9


Accreditation: A Challenge for Unaided Engineering Colleges  | 
N. V. Ratnalikar 1-8
Total views: 10
A Study in Equipment Utilisation and Maintenance in Polytechnics (Gujarat State)-India  | 
Joshua Earnest 9-12
Total views: 8
Seminar as a Part of Teaching Curriculum for Engineering Students  | 
S. C. Sharma, R. C. Chauhan 13-17
Total views: 7
A Necessary Shift in Curriculae for Technician Education Courses  | 
V. M. Kapse 18-22
Total views: 18
Design Curriculum in Engineering Education: Some Issues  | 
Abhay Jain, Manohar Chandwani 23-27
Total views: 9
Professional Involvement of Polytechnic-A Key to Industry-Institution Interaction  | 
P. C. Jain 28-30
Total views: 9
University-Industry Linkages for Technological Innovation  | 
Parameshwar P. Iyer 31-36
Total views: 7
The Status of Higher Engineering Education in India & Challanges Ahead  | 
Meena Panse 37-41
Total views: 7
A Key to Entrepreneurship Promotion: A 3D Approach  | 
P. H. Waghodekar 42-48
Total views: 18
Use of Personal Computer for Quality Teaching in Civil Engineering  | 
M. M. Bhosale, G. N. Ronghe 49-56
Total views: 7