Course Outcome-Program Outcome Mapping Matrix & Attainment-Issues and Model Based Solutions for Tier II Category
One of the important element of Outcome Based Education(OBE) is establishment and attainment of Course Outcomes(COs) and Program Outcome(POs). POs are designed at program level considering knowledge and skills of the students and should demonstrate its attainment at the completion of course and program. COs are knowledge and skills that are formulated for each course. These COs are mapped to POs and attainment of each PO is calculated by various tools considering set target levels. Depending on target level achieved, action plan is decided at course level as well as program level for improvement if attainment level is weak. There are many difficulties in calculating attainment of COs and POs particularly in programs affiliated to university. In this paper two different models are developed for mapping and attainment of COs and POs. The results are tested for Electronics Engineering program affiliated to university. Major difficulty is in the attainment of course outcome due to university examination. The various issues in mapping and attainment are addressed in this paper with reference to June 2015 Self-Assessment Report.
Outcome Based Education, Course Outcome, Program Outcome, Attainment.
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- Prof.DattaDandge*, Prof.Dr.Suhasini Desai Rubrics: an effective assessment tool for outcome-based accreditation