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Establishing Program Educational Objectives
Outcome based education establishes a method of evaluating the program education objective. The National board of Accreditation, India has laid down 12 attributes as program outcomes which suits the engineering education as per the norms of ABET accreditation system globally. The attainment of these 12 attributes as program objective will have to be mapped to the Program Educational Objective (PEO). The attainment of the program outcomes is achieved by designing the curriculum considering all the attributes so that the graduate gets trained in all the outcomes. The attainments of the PEOs are assessed by alumni, employees, graduate entrepreneurs and stake holders' survey.
Outcome Based Education, Program Outcome, Program Educational Objective, Surveys, Data Analysis.
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- zhamZainalAbidinet. Al, "Assessing the attainment of course outocmes for an engineering course",.Preceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009), Malaysia.
- Nikos J. Mourtos, "A Systematic Approach For Defining And Assessing Program Educational Objectives And Outcomes"., Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, San Jose State University, California.
- A. Chuchalin, "Engineering Curriculum Design Based on Program Accreditation Criteria", Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia.