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An Outcome Based Curriculum Design in Engineering-Case Study Approach
An Engineering curriculum is a continuously improving framework where the assessment of outcomes set path for further modifications to achieve the ideal result. The curriculum design is based on sound educational principles for giving students necessary fitness to solve the real world problems. For Outcome Based Education (OBE) to be a success in true measures, both the students and instructors must understand that higher education is not a unilateral mode where the textbook language is the only way to learn. Education in tertiary institutions should be more engaging and bilateral where the students develop the understanding on their own. Curriculum design plays a vital role in achieving such result. This paper proposes one such approach of curriculum design elaborating the design procedure with a case study. The paper brings out some of the interesting statistics about the outcomes achieved by implementing the proposed method. The case study discussed involves the exclusive set of rubrics developed as a measure of outcomes achieved and the computations of course outcomes providing weighted measures for different stake holders.
OBE, Curriculum Design, COs, POs.
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