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An Effective Industry Institute Engagement for Curriculum Design and Delivery:A Success Story
This paper presents details of an industry institute engagement evolved for effectively bridging the gaps & creating readily deployable manpower with the requisite talent and skill set for the automotive industry. The success story presented brings out the details of conceptualization, curriculum design and course delivery model for an interdisciplinary course on automotive electronics at the under graduate engineering program in electrical sciences. Issues of very strong involvement of the industry at different levels of the engagement, including the commitment of the top Management from both sides, and the dedication of the teams involved are discussed. How the faculty from the electronics background have worked together with the faculty from the automobile background to make this successful are brought out. The significant outcomes of this initiative in terms of learning takeaways, improvement in job readiness of the graduates and influence on research initiatives in various relevant domains are presented.
Industry-Institute Interaction, Automotive Electronics, Course Design, Industry-Specific Skills.
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