Incorporating Latest Technologies in Engineering Education-iMac Lab
Technology is recurrently interspersed into educational programs and practice to aid learning for students irrespective of domains across all educational institutes.As discrete features are offered within dominant products, students are progressively able to connect with classroom technologies and teachers are also able to customise the course contents for varying students' preferences. Atharva college of Engineering atMumbai is committed to themission of creating awareness among students about the importance of keeping themselves updated about latest technologies in various avenues. The college constantly aspires to provide extensive technological education to get acquainted to the rapid proliferation in technology. The college has tried many innovative projects to improve teaching -learning process and develop curiosity in themind of students. Some of the projects are Satellite Ground station, IEDC (Indian Engineering Deans Council), IUCEE -SPEED (Indo USCollaboration for Engineering Education- Student Platform for Engineering Education Development), Techithon, IEEE,CSI, Paradigm of Life, etc.As a part of these innovation trend, our college has set-up a state-of-the art iMac Lab consisting of 20 iMacs, an iPad and an Apple TV. Various orientations were conducted for the faculty members and students to create awareness on the importance of being practically updated about latest technologies. Workshops were also conducted on various trending topics. An opinion survey was conducted with the sample of students and has been included in the paper with statistical analysis.
Engineering Education, Innovation, Atharva Engineering College, Teaching, Learning, iMac Lab.
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