Practical Approach to Handle Large Classes:A Case Study for Keeping Sessions Live
Today's graduate is characterize to be self directed, process-oriented, product-oriented, casuistic and possess lifelong learning skills. They also need to be critical thinker, creative, problem solvers, innovator and analytical in their approach. In present teaching scenario of Engineering, some faculties are still practicing the traditional approach of delivery the lecture in large classroom such as chalkand- talk or pen-and-paper teaching. Teaching the course of Theory of Computations (TOC) at B Tech and Software architecture at M Tech level is challenging because of their more mathematical and theoretical nature respectively. In addition, the conventional approach to course teaching for noninteractive mathematical solutions&heavy architectural of software design, make the classrooms more steady.
We identified problem of in-activeness of students in large classroom learning theoretical subjects. Solution for the problem is identified using best practice method [1]. Root causes were identified in analysis phase of best practice method for large classroom dynamics and to make joyful learning. This was taken as basis for development of a solution and we identified the best solution as think and ink, Activity based learning [2], Group Discussion [5], JFLAP simulation tool [4], Crossword[11], Alice tool[10], proprietary software package presentations as group assignment to deal realistic scenario.
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- An innovative and revolutionary approach of teaching programming concepts using Alice Infosys campus connects
- [ 11 ]http://en.