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Effect of the Jigsaw-Based Cooperative Learning Method on Engineering Students
In the rapidly evolving world "knowing the knowledge" is not sufficient but the knowledge should be used to apply in real time situation. In order to fulfill this requirement students must possess qualities which will help them to solve the problems proactively , make decisions and think critically and creatively, communicate ideas effectively and confidently , work efficiently within teams and groups etc. It is observed that engineering students are lacking in such qualities and unable to sustain in the outside world. One of the major reason behind such situation is because of passive traditional teaching methodologies which is generally a teacher centric rather than student centric. Whereas active learning methods aiming to achieve life-long learning and potential knowledge are student centric methods where involvement of student is ensured compared to the traditional teaching method. In this paper we have discuss the implementation of cooperative type of jigsaw active learning method and its feedback and assessment analysis.
Blooms Taxonomy, Traditional Teaching Method, Active Learning Method, Jigsaw Activity, Soft Skills.
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