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Enhancing Constructive Learning by Integrating Theory and Practice
Active learning and experiential learning are two sides of the same coin. One side highlights on self learning (cooperativeness) and other side learn by doing (experience). Now a day's technical education needs a new approach in student learning. This paper provides the information of teaching learning process which bridges the gap between theory and practice. It is found that many students lack in understanding the basic concept engineering, on time refreshing and regular interaction help students to understand the concepts in a better way. Integration of theory with the laboratory will cause an experiential learning for student. If course project is included, it causes active learning where students start working in teams. The main goal of this activity was to expose Pg students of Production Management in areas like Design, Fabrication, Testing and Analyzing the 'Setup' or 'Automatic Machine' prepared during the course time. Assessment is done systematically and Program outcomes (PO3, PO5 PO6 and PO10 of NBA for PG program) were addressed by the way of the task given to the students. The idea here is to generate a platform for their creative work. The students were grouped (heterogeneous group) based on their previous ranking. The project was successfully completed on time and students got good practical exposure about the components and its complexity for proper functionality. It is also quite evident that the quality of answers in the main examination (SEE) showed a remarkable improvement because of meaningful and transferable 'constructive learning'.
Active Learning, Constructive Learning, Regular Assessment, POs (NBA).
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