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Effective Teaching Learning Environment through Constructive Feedback: A Preliminary Study
The two major contributing entities in any education system are the educators and the learners. This system can be made effective when there is continuous, reliable and valid feed backs from the teacher to the learner and vice-versa. This paper proposes a methodology to elicit and use feed backs from teachers and learners as a mechanism to improve effectiveness of teaching and learning. This is an on going work which is broken down into three phases for simplicity, management and better cohesion. The paper points out a set of prominent parameters to assess educators and learners. These parametric values are collected in the first phase and are properly communicated with the educator as well as the learner. Then in the second phase both of them incorporate the required changes in the teaching-learning process and again these parametric values are collected and analysed to see the progress. The final phase is an automated one which uses the information from the first two phases to develop a Personalised Learning Environment.
Education, Classroom Observation, Feedback System, Learning Quality, Teacher Appraisal, Personalized Learning.
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