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Correlation Between Class Room and Online Learning In Engineering Education – A Comparitive Study

S. V. H. N. Krishna Kumari.P 1*, M. N. L. Anuradha 1, P. Subhash 2


  • Department of Humanities and Sciences, Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Aziz Nagar Gate, C.B Post, Hyderabad, India
  • Department of mathematics , JNTU Jagitya , Karimnagar, Telangana, India



Self directed learning gives control and responsibility to a learner for learning, though there are three important conditions. These conditions are that the learner must at least be prepared to accept the degree of autonomy given to them. They must have the skills and attitudes required for developing and managing this autonomy. This paper throws light on Traditional and Internet learning and affirms that understudy execution as measured by assessment is self-governing. 21st century guideline structure is advancing the internet usage to accomplish consideration of extra time-and place-bound students. Engineering students incline towards this to get the degree from top rank Universities or to learn particular course or surpass desires in a specific branch of knowledge. How many online understudies are compelling when stood out from their classroom accomplices is essential for demonstrating workforce and others blamed for evaluation. Eagerness in an online circumstance may be more trying in examination system classes than in other open association classes. In addition, backing may be less frightening, and the quality and measure of affiliation may be extended in online classes. The remote correspondence permits learner to get the taking in materials and addresses from any place the length of they are associated with the web. In this paper we likewise talk about the benefits and negative marks of both the strategies with the assistance of factual information examination by considering a group of Students from an engineering college. We also discuss the merits and demerits of both the methods with the help of statistical data analysis.


Learning Effectiveness, Online Teaching, Online Interaction, Self Learning.

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