Effectiveness of Laboratory Categorization for Attaining Program Outcomes at Undergraduate Level
The effectiveness of engineering education depends on the teaching and learning process adapted by the faculty and students. Lot of research is going on to effectively educate the undergraduate students, among that one of the methodology which we have followed is to categorize lab experiments as Exercise, Enquiry based and Open Ended learning. In the proposed paper a background study is carried out on how to develop problem solving, thinking and analysis skills among students and more importantly most of the students face difficulty in applying the concepts for developing applications or projects. Hence considering the above facts we carried out a study to bridge this gap with a novel approach of categorization. This practice was carried out on Distributed and cloud computing lab (DCC) as a case study for Information science and Engineering students of final year.
A new technique to measure the effectiveness of students learning in DCC lab based on program outcome attainment for engineering laboratory education and affordances of the pedagogical features of the lab.The results interpret that the novel approach adopted has improved performance of students as compared to the traditional learning methods.
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