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Use of Active and Collaborative Learning Techniques in the Course Digital Communication of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
The Proposed paper is related to use of active and collaborative learning techniques in the course digital communication of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering branch at Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar where large population of students is from rural areas. Although many researchers have confirmed that active and collaborative learning techniques are very useful in improving learning, motivating students, bringing critical thinking skills in the students, we need to develop special strategies for students with rural background. In this study, initially the learning styles of the students are obtained using Felder's learning style index survey. The active and collaborative learning techniques are implemented for this class and found that irrespective of the background of learners active and collaborative learning techniques are very beneficial to students for their learning. Only challenge is that instructor has to take some additional efforts.
Learning Styles, Active Learning, Collaborative, STAD, Rural.
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