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Streamlined Integration Ofict Tools and Active Learning Strategies for Effective Content Delivery in Engineering Education-An Experimental Study
In the current era of education,quality of the content delivery is considered as important as the Course Contents to attain the objectives of the course. Quality Content delivery methods leverage technology and place more emphasis on active learning. This paper highlights few of the active learning strategies and ICT tools. Also, this paper presents a streamlined approach to choose a Active learning(AL) method and ICT tool to from among the rich set of available tools and strategies to deliver a content effectively. The proposed approach decides the suitability of the ALmethod and ICT tool chosen to deliver a particular content based on the nature of the content structure and expected cognitive level of learning the content. An attempt to identify the prominent learning style of the students in a class and chart an efficient content delivery plan by matching an appropriate AL strategy with suitable ICT tool is presented in this paper. The proposed approach was practiced in fourth semester B.Tech (Information Technology) class of 72 students for Computer Networks Course. The effectiveness of the implemented approach is measured using standard tools and presented.
ICT Tools, Active Learning (AL) Strategies, Content Delivery Methods, Course Objectives Attainment.
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