On-Line Engineering Education with Emphasis on Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom proposed the taxonomy of thinking skills. The thinking skills are defined at six levels, specified as Level 1 (Remembering), Level 2 (Understanding), Level 3 (Applying), Level 4 (Analysis), Level 5 (Evaluation) and Level 6 (Creating). The first three levels are generally classified as low order learning skills and next three levels are often referred as critical thinking/Higher order skills.
American Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) [1] enlists that curriculum should be aligned to the specified Graduate Attributes. The alignment of Graduate Attributes mandates that the Teaching Learning Process be designed to be Outcome Based as enshrined in the objectives of Outcome Based Education (OBE).
The Washington Accord [2] and other National Protocols like National Board of Accreditation (NBA) [3] have stressed the need for Outcome Based Education in Engineering spectrum. The OBE stipulates that the students after passing out from the selected programme, will be equipped with the outcomes stated for this programme. The OBE necessitates the implementation of all levels of Bloom's Taxonomy in the Teaching-Learning Process as applicable to Engineering education to achieve the resultant outcomes. The present System of teaching the courses using only the "Chalk and Talk" method does not afford enough time to implement all levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. At the maximum, only the first three levels can be implemented. The teachers are finding it difficult to apply next three levels due to the paucity of time. As a result of this, the students are being denied exposure to Critical Thinking/ Higher order skills, thus adversely impacting the important outcomes.
It is imperative that the "Chalk and Talk" method of teaching be complimented with On-line Engineering Education. The Online Engineering education coupled with Chalk and Talk method will allow the implementation of all levels of Bloom's Taxonomy in the Engineering curriculum thus fulfilling the objectives of OBE can be possible.
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| (PDF views: 73)References
- ABET. Criteria for Accrediting Engineering programs, 2014-2015. From www.abet.org/eaccriteria2014-2015.
- Washington Accord. From www.ieagreements.org/washington-accord
- National Board of Accreditation. From nbaind.org./En/1051/-nbas-accreditationparameterscriteria-& processors.aspx
- Writing and Assessing Course-level student learning outcome Texas Tech University from www.depts.ttu/opa.
- Everton Systems from www.classontheweb.com
- Alliance & Meyer Luskin Academy from www.luskinacademy.org
- Developing a Computer Science - Specific Learning Taxonomy by Ursula Fuller and others from www.depts.ttu.edu/opa.