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Problem-Based Learning using Simulation Tools for Automata Theory
This paper highlights problem-based learning method implemented during the classes of automata theory for the second year through best practices activity. In this paper, we are providing conclusion based on the activities performed during academic years 2013-14 and 2014-15. These conclusions are made from the activities such as think-pair-share, group activity; problem based learning activity simulation tools and so on. We made comparison of the overall performance and satisfaction between the problem-based and traditional learners, and made analysis of the influence of students' mathematical knowledge in both methods. The results collected from these activities were tremendous; students went through the activities rigorously; they got clear understanding of the course conducted by their audit and grades during both years. This new experience was joyful for both the students and the teacher; and finally, the innovative teaching approach helped several types of learners very well.
Innovative Teaching, Problem-Based Learning, Simulation Tools, best Practices Activity.
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