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Transforming Engineering Education by Making the Lecture Pedagogically Attractive, Interesting and Stimulating
Main objective of this paper is to ponder over the most invigorating and indispensable part of engineering education. Unlike arts subject, science is based on systematic and logic based knowledge. Many students develop inhibition and fear psychosis due to lack of pedagogically stimulating dispensation of class lecture. Study of science may work as a great stress buster if pedagogically simple and attractive method is devised. In this paper many examples such as that of mathematics and control problems are taken and how these can be made pedagogically attractive have been highlighted. To start with example of simple mathematics such as LCM (Least Common Multiple) and HCF (Highest Common Factor) has been taken and a warm touch has been given as to how an invigorating pedagogy may kindle the passion of even formative children. Subsequently some examples of probability theory and control system problems are taken just to buttress the fact that science devoid with empathetic and humane pedagogy may make even the simpler subject more complex one.
Control Problems, Mathematics, Bayes Theorem, Pedagogy, Nyquist Stability Criterion, Science.
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