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A Study of Effects of Sex and Reserved Categories on the Self-Confidence and Academic Achievement of PG Students
The present study was conducted to ascertain the main and interactional effects of Sex and Reserved Categories on the self-confidence and academic achievement of college students. A random sample of 200 students (Boys and Girls) was selected from PG Programs of Rajarambapu Institute of Technology of Islampur city. Self-confidence Inventory developed and standardized by Dr. M. Basavana was administered to all of them individually and regarding the academic achievement, the investigator obtained examination marks of previous exams (ISE&MSE). The marks were pooled together, added and then percentages found in order to obtain academic achievement index scores of boys and girls belonging to reserved categories. The data was analyzed by using two-way analysis of variance technique (ANOVA). The result revealed that sex has no significant impact on the self-confidence and the academic achievement of the students. Scheduled Caste students have high self-confidence than the students belonging to scheduled tribe and weak and under-privileged classes. But reserved categories have no significant impact on the academic achievement of students. However, no interactional effect of sex and reserved categories was found on the self-confidence and academic achievement of students.
Reserved Categories, Self-Confidence, Academic Achievement.
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