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Effective Teaching - Learning Practices Adopted in Signals and Systems (SAS) Course
As the course Signals and Systems (SAS) is loaded with abstracts, concepts, mathematical analysis and applications, students need to remember, analyze, compare, interpret and apply the concepts to solve problems. Students find it difficult to comprehend&understand abstract concepts. The course is pre-requisite for many engineering courses such as Control systems, Analog communication, Digital communication, Digital signal processing, Image processing, Speech processing etc., which the students study later in their higher semesters. It is therefore very essential that students be taught this course in such a way that they learn and retain the content of the course for a longer period. So teaching SAS course effectively for engineering students is a big challenge.
In this paper an analysis of the various levels of difficulties generally students face while undergoing this course is made. A systematic action plan implemented to address each of these difficulties is discussed. Finally analysis of Course Outcomes before and after implementing effective Teaching-Learning Practices is presented.
Teaching-Learning, Signals and Systems, Tutorials, Activities, MATLAB.
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- Dr. Berenice Verdin (2014), An Experiment to enhance Signals and Systems learning by using technology based teaching strategies, University of Texas at El Paso 360 degree of Engg, Education,121st ASEE Annual, conference and Exposition, Indianapolis In June-15-18, 2014, American Society for Engineering Education, 2014, Paper ID #10796.
- Stephen So (2012), Refined 'Chalk-and-Talk' of Lecture Content: Teaching Signals and Systems at the Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, Proceedings of the 2012 AAEE Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Copyright © Stephen So, 2012.
- Richard Vaz, Nicholas Arcolano WPI (2001), Teaching Signals and Systems through portfolios, writing, and independent learning, Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Albuquerque, NM.