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Effective Teaching through Programming Assignments
Students and educators are the main components of any teaching system wherein educators play an important role. The vision of every educator is to make every student a successful IT professional in the current industry scenario. To meet the requirements of the IT industry, we need to enhance the quality of our students through effective teaching. Many studies have shown that life skills along with technical skill decide the success of a person. Hence, an attempt is made to improve both technical and life skills of students through regular engineering courses, instead of having separate courses on communication skills and ethical values. The idea of enhancing the skills of students through our proposed approach is experimented for the "Algorithm Design and Analysis" course. Our experimented process of effective teaching through programming assignments has given a very satisfactory result and the students are also happy about their accomplishments in the course.
Algorithm Analysis and Design Course, Programming, Assignment.
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- Jayalakshmi G Naragund and Vidya S Handur , (2013), “Educationally Effective Teaching of Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, IEEE , Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE).
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- Byron S. Gottfried, “Teaching Computer Programming Effectively Using Active Learning “
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- Duanyang Zhao, Qingxiang Xu, (2012),"Research and Practice on Algorithm Analysis and Design Course Teaching Based on Online Judge", ICCIA.