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Metamorphosis of Engineering Education by Entrepreneurship in the Field of Human Resource Development (HRD)
World over there is no dearth of entrepreneur in the field of Industry but there is dearth of entrepreneurship in the field of Human Resource Development (HRD). Due to lack of soul stirrer in the form of human resource developer many otherwise innocent engineer, technocrats and scientists are joining terrorist organization all over the world which is a matter of great concern. Thinking process of many great souls have culminated that HRD entrepreneurship to create human capital is even more important than industrial entrepreneurship. In order to have holistic development of society perfect symbiosis between industrial entrepreneurship&HRD entrepreneurship is required. In the absence of this symbiosis, life is only robotized and may lead to catastrophe&cataclysm. Even after fair degree of development in the field of science and technology, the way sectarianism, bigotry and jingoism etc. is raising its ugly head, it may in no time engulf the vibrant civilizations. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight the need of engendering human entrepreneur who could stir up the conscience of the masses to follow the righteous path. Notwithstanding the ubiquitous and phenomenal development in the field of science and technology, nothing can practically serve the purpose without ethical and moral development of human resources and hence the new terminology 'HRD entrepreneur' has been coined and explained in this paper. Fair example may be that of Gandhi, Vivekananda, Jesus Christ, Buddha, etc. as HRD entrepreneur. Vivekananda's Chicago address stirred up the conscience of western thinkers and many became his followers and thus heralded a new concept of HRD entrepreneurship. In order to scatter the feeling of altruism&philanthropism, human resource development in terms of spiritual tenets along with science and technology is indispensable.
HRD Entrepreneur, Science And Technology, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Prabhupada, Science, Spirituality, Symbiosis.
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