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Transforming Engineering Education by Assimilating Quintessential Essence of Spirituality for Impeccable Governance and Leadership
From time immemorial our ancestors are diligently striving to harness the application of the science in day to day life. In those days science were in formative phases unlike what is visible these days. Science has created unparalleled spectacle everywhere. Social and spiritual scientists have the same conviction when they say that science without spirituality will do no good but culminate in the conflagration of communal violence and war of attrition and eventually the cataclysm. What advantage did we get of the advance product of science i.e. atom bomb: destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima of Japan. Science without spirituality will cause cataclysm and annihilation of the world. In order to have regulated use of science only for humane causes, everybody needs to assimilate and imbibe quintessential essence of spirituality in ourselves. Scientific and spiritual implication of robust and optimal control from the standpoint of their pragmatic impact on the holistic development of human being has been elegantly highlighted in the present paper. In this paper, it has been highlighted that for Impeccable Governance and Leadership in any country, assimilation of quintessential essence of spirituality in engineering education is prerequisite.
Assimilation, Engineering Education, Environment, Impeccable, Immemorial, Spirituality.
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