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Customizing and Curating E-Content with VitalStream
A wealth of high-quality educational e-content has been developed over the past decade, and much of it is freely available. Instructors wishing to blend such content into their courses often find it useful to provide students with supplementary materials that (1) clarify the context in which the new content fits their particular curriculum, and (2) explainthe content, especially when the language or the accent of the instructor is unfamiliar for students. The latter point is especially important in a country as linguistically diverse as India, where instructors regularly use regional languages or Hindi to communicatemore effectively with students.In this paper, we describe an ongoing partnership to enhance a software productfor customizing and curating e-content developed by a company, based on requirements identified by an academic institution. We present examples where the institution's specific needs were first generalized(to address a wider category of similar concerns that other institutions may face), before being crystallized as new features in the software.Finally, we describe collaborative efforts to enhance the software by simplifying the access mechanism to e-content for students.
E-Content, Customization, Curation, Blended Learning.
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