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Theme Based Course Projects for Digital Electronics Course
All most all modern electronics devices such as smart phones and laptops depend on concepts derived from digital electronics. In fact, most electronics about the industry and in home depend on digital electronics to work. To consider for forth coming semesters digital electronics course is prerequisite for the courses such as Digital system design using Verilog, mini projects, ARM Controller (3rd year), VLSI Design and Capstone project (4th year). And it plays very vital role in placement activities and competitive exams. To make this course more interesting and to increase the level of understating we designed the course project keeping automotive as the theme which indeed helped the students to understand the application point of view of the concepts studied in the course. We are presenting the Course projects designed, effectiveness of the Course Project on Final results and attainment of the program outcomes with different levels of competency for the Digital Electronics course in the 2nd year UG Engineering.
ABET, Program Outcomes, Bloom's Taxonomy, Digital Electronics, Course Project, Automotive Electronics.
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