Designing Open-Ended Experiments by Integrating Courses: an Experience
Integration in teaching and learning approach is required due to increasing use of emergent technologies in research and industry. Integration learning helps students to visualize exact picture of industry. In case of Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology, integration of subjects and labs increases their knowledge and get the whole process of bio production. The present work synthesizes the outcomes of integrated learning in Downstream Process Technology lab (DSPT lab) and Bioprocess Engineering lab. Openended experiment was given to seventh semester students and anticipated to use the knowledge of bioprocess engineering lab and DSPT lab to complete the task. Openended experiment illustrates the flow of processes in Bioprocess industry which involves production of proteins and metabolites. As a result students could relate and use the knowledge learnt in each other lab to complete the task. Performance of the students was assessed as per Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology's (ABET)
3b&3g criteria. 3b- Design and conduct experiment
3g- Communicate effectively.
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