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Implementation of Strategy Based Innovative Teaching and Learning Schemes for Engineering Students
In this paper, innovative teaching andlearning (ITL) schemes for engineering students is beingimplemented on the root of curiosity, observation,intellectual and decide-focus-act strategy. The scheme isdivided into three parts. In first part evaluation schemeare implemented on personality and behaviour,conceptual motivation, process of selfevaluation, beforeyou assess yourself, assessment skill, plan-act-improveaudit,get engaged in value addition drive. In secondpart the students are evaluated by 30%-70% schemeand it is implemented on empirical approach,observations, questions, hypotheses, experiments,analyses, conclusions, replications. The third scheme isskill enhancement i.e. assessment scheme and it depend on part first and part second. The above strategy and schemes areimplemented on 50 engineering students and its resultsare tabulated. It is ascertained that, this scheme andstrategy is working excellently.
Innovative Teaching and Learning ((ITL),innovative Teaching and Learning ((ITL) Strategy, Innovative Teaching And Learning((ITL) Scheme, Strategyand Scheme.
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