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Continuous Internal Evaluation:In a True Sense
It has been experienced that an event based evaluation system always fails to evaluate the real learning of a student, as it emphasizes on memory based preparation and fails to provide the information on regularity in learning. Further, it is needed to engage students who are less oriented academically in learning and assessed in quick successions so that they are not burdened of preparing too much for the examination that are conducted after a long gap. Hence, it is always advisable to spread the evaluation evenly to entire span of the learning period. In the education system there were some efforts to reduce the period in between the evaluation events and it is successfully reduced to 6 weeks in a semester as of today. Still this period is not providing the continuity in the evaluation as this period also is considerably large. The paper proposes, weekly test as an effevtive tool to reduce the gap between Continuous Internal Evaluations (CIE) and this performance is considered as major component of overall CIE for theory courses. The paper provides the performance improvements in CIE of students in various courses and proves to be a better assessment process.
Weekly Test, CIE, Standard Deviation, Assessment, Feedback.
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