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Prakalp-An Analog Drive
In the present era, where technology is being improved and optimized at a rapid rate, understanding what the industries expect from graduates and preparing them for the same has become a very crucial task as it can aid in enhancing the performance of young engineers. In this regard, BVBCET has taken a step forward with an aim to bridge the gap that exists between the industry and academia in the field of VLSI by introducing "PRAKALP", a program collaborated by department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BVBCET and Sankalp Semiconductors Private Limited, Hubli. Under PRAKALP, students interested to carry out Analog VLSI Design are selected through a screening test, trained on analog circuit design and are finally assigned industry level projects. These projects have fetched many prizes and have also resulted in many technical papers. Outstanding students get recruited by Sankalp Semiconductors.
Industry-Institute, Analog VLSI, Cadence Contest.
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- Chenglong Li ; Xiaoguang Dong , “Research on the Coupling Interaction Innovation of Knowledge of the University-Industry Collaboration Institutions”, pp 1 – 4, 2011 , Management and Service Science (MASS), 2011 International Conference
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