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Activity Based Teaching Learning: An Experience
The paper presents activity based teaching learning for undergraduate students. This also gives the analysis of the effectiveness of these activities. The objective of proposed pedagogical practice is to enhance the course learning, beyond the traditional mode. In the traditional mode of teaching the course was not able to make a positive impact on learning. This is because of monotonous lecturing and absence of activities.Activity Based Teaching Learning (ABTL) is an effort to overcome the limitations of traditional mode of course delivery. Progressive pedagogical models are used for the enhancement of course learning. To meet the objective different activities are designed and practiced along with class room teaching. The frame work includes teaching through games in Digital Communication course for 6th semester Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) students and worksheets in Basic Electronics for Ist year students. In the proposed approach, the active learning provides more opportunities to learn beyond the classroom teaching.Effectiveness of these activities is assessed through academic performance.
Activity Based Learning, Game Based Learning, Worksheet.
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