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The Role of Programming Paradigms Inbuilding Projects
Procedure oriented and object oriented programming paradigms have been extensively used in the industry to develop real world applications since from several years. Procedure oriented programming languages are suitable for building system software's where as object oriented programming is suitable for developing application software's. Traditionally, students used to develop two different course projects by using two different programming paradigms in successive semesters. Many times, students were not able to realize differences between two different approaches of solving a common problem. In order to address this issue,we present our experience of developing course project by using two different programming paradigms. In this course project activity, students develop the real world application using procedure oriented programming at the earlier semester. In the later semester, students develop the same application by using object oriented approach. By this, student will realize importance of solving a common problem by using top down as well as bottom up approaches. Improvement in the program outcomes compared with the traditional approach justifies the effectiveness of incorporating the new approach.
Procedure Oriented Programming, Object Oriented Programming.
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