Facilitating Competency and Skill Development through Video Assignment
Competency and skill development are the two requirements during the course learning duration. Constructivism, objectivism and conceptualism are three theories used as a base for knowledge enhancement. Opportunities provided to the students in the courses to express themselves should increase along with the acquisition of in-depth technical knowledge. To motivate and engage students to develop intrinsic skills like, self determination, self monitor and reasoning are supported by well known theory of constructivism and objectivism. Planning an atmosphere to do a task is related to objectivism. Learner's ability to increase competence is known as constructivism which depends on the attitudes of the learner. Students' competency and communication skill can be enhanced by various active learning activities like coding assignments and video assignments. These learning activities provide suitable environment and motivation for competency development. The benefits of various assignments tabulations indicate that project assignments are the most beneficial because of learning pace and handson experience. Video assignments are excellent for communication skill development with lots of creativity involved with digital gadgets.
Course content learning through video assignment is nominal. The respondent's reflection of 92.6% for creativity in video assignment and 72% for course content competency suggests that in video assignment students enjoy the course learning.
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