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Sharing Experience of Assessment Advisory Council at RK University
Assessment Advisory Council (AAC) at RK University is a mechanism used to promote innovative assessment methods to measure desired learning outcomes (LO) of the course giving freedom to faculty in method of teaching and matching assessment method. The learning need of each course is different and so is the pedagogy of teaching hence the method of assessment need not be same. The need to shift the orientation of the assessment patterns to match the learning needs of the course is recognised. Valuing the important role of faculties in this process, it is encouraged that all faculties design innovative assessment methods that suits one's pedagogy of teaching and learning needs of the students. The role of AAC is to guide all faculties to develop innovative assessment methods and formally approve them for actual practice. The prior screening is for maintaining & improving academic standards, and achieving learning outcomes. The present communication is to share the experience of faculty of engineering among different school of RK University and method of working in even semester of 2015.
Assessment Method, Advisory, Learning Outcome, Pedagogy.
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