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Role of Industry to Improve Outcome Based Education in Engineering
Industry Institute Interaction has different perspective and different reasons to interact with each other. Both are mutually benefited from this interaction. Academia is the main source of knowledge for industry. In general, role of Industry is an important factor for research and outcome based education in engineering institutions. Outcome Based Education is incomplete without successful interaction between Industry and Engineering Institution. This paper present the activities under MOU'S signed between BMS college of Engineering and other IT Industries. These activities aim to achieve the different Programme Outcomes.
Outcome Based Education, Programme Outcomes, Course Outcomes, Industry Institute Interaction, Memorandum of Understanding.
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- Dr Gabriela Dutrenit and Dr Claudia De Fuentes (2009), "Academy-Industry interactions at three different stages of the linking process: Micro evidence from the perspective of both agents", paper presented at the Globelics Conference, Dakar.
- Report from an International Workshop on Academia-Industry Relations.
- Sigtuna, Sweden, 22-25 November 2011 "Scientific Relations Between Academia and Industry: Building on a New Era of Interactions for the Benefit of Society".
- SAR NBA document of CSE department.