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Impact of Novel Enhanced Learning on Results for Courses on Control Systems and Biostatistics in Medical Electronics Programme
Enhanced learning is an important effective pedagogical tool which helps students to understand the concepts better. Assessment Tool is a concept to be used as against the mundane assessment method. This paper gives an experience report of the first author in implementation of two important courses taken by the students of department of Medical Electronics in two different semesters. The courses under consideration are with no laboratory attachment and so the students fall short of experiencing the outcomes for different concepts of the subject. An assessment tool was therefore introduced in the form of usage of a software tool to implement the concepts learnt in theory. The novel assessment tool usage introduced was assessed to quantify the effect of practical exposure. The improvement thus seen had a normal distribution in the scores obtained by students and looked ideal for the range of student group which usually had a skewed pattern.
Assessment Tool, Biostatistics, Control Systems, Teaching Beyond Syllabus.
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