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A Perspective of Experiential Learning Approach Followed in Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology
In the current scenario, curriculum design of Indian engineering education need to have high impact to change the lives of engineers and scientists to sustain in the professional field. Moreover engineers are in a position to meet the elevated demand in various sectors right from financial services to manufacturing techniques. In order to meet the above demand in this competitive world, it is essential to improve the engineering curriculum design which actually refers to the entire plan of a course and its desired learning outcomes. Effective improvement in the curriculum design of undergraduate engineering education can be done with the inclusion of various experiential learning methodologies. This paper deals with the inclusion of experiential learning in terms of guiding and training the students to design the equipments needed for the laboratory of optical communication and thereby enhancing the learning of theory course of Fiber optic communication. This methodology can be facilitated during the semester holidays for the students. This paper also describes about various experiential learning methodologies and high impact teaching skills required for engineering curriculum design.
Curriculum, Engineering Education, Experiential Learning, Optical Communication.
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