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Flipped Classroom: An Efficient Pedagogical Tool to Teach a Course for Final Year Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Students
New directions are brought into teaching-learning process due to the recent advances in technology and change of students learning styles. As there is increasing in tuition costs and need of time management created space for online courses and flipped classrooms in the education system. Main challenge in teaching a course for Final year is, motivating all students to attend classes regularly and participate in the discussion. As they will be busy with placement activities, project development and training in industries, faculty need to use the class time, efficiently and deliver required course contents to the students. A new pedagogical tool flipped classroom is adopted to address these issues, which employs asynchronous video lectures and practice problems as homework, and active, group-based problem solving activities in the classroom. It represents a unique combinations of learning theories to teach a course. In this paper authors present a comprehensive method of using flipped classroom to teach a Distributed Computing System to final year Computer Science and Engineering graduate students. This paper focuses on type of in-class and out-of-class activities, the measures used to evaluate different activities and methodological characteristics for each activity defined for the course. Result of students' feedback talks about the positive aspect of the framework adopted.
Flipped Classroom, Learning Styles, In-Class, Teaching-Learning, Out-of-Class, Activity.
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