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Integrating Mini Project Based Learning Approach in Teaching-Learning Process
As the technical community is growing rapidly, our students must be prepared to be global engineers to successfully function as professional engineers in the international corporate world of the 21st century. In this competitive world, teamwork, learning ability and soft skills along with academic excellence are very much needed for the career growth of a student. In addition, our engineering students must acquire lifelong learning to be able to apply their knowledge in accordance with the new problems faced in their daily life. In that context, a project-based learning (PBL) is considered to be the best platform for the students to gain greater depth of understanding of concepts, broader knowledge base, improved communication and interpersonal/social skills, enhanced leadership skills, increased creativity, and improved writing skills. In this paper, the experience of using the technique of mini project-based learning (MPBL) as a key pedagogical method for teaching a course Advanced Data Base Management System within the context of a Master's programme is reported. The positive feedback from the students proves that the implementation of MPBL is a successful pedagogical method to prepare our students ready for the 21st century requirements.
Teaching-Learning Process, Project Based Learning, Mini Project, Team Work, Critical Thinking.
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