Enhanced Learning of Thermal Engineering Courses through Structured Enquiry and Problem Based Approach
Fluid mechanics and Heat transfer are important application oriented courses taught for Mechanical engineering arena and also allied courses like Automobile Engineering, Aero-space and Chemical Engineering. The pedagogy for thermal engineering courses have undergone paradigm shift over the years through novel ways of industry participation, discussion of applications-driven issues, facilitate problem-solving skills, perform analysis/design of thermal systems and use of computational tools. The thermal course material is upgraded pertinant with new technology issues as part of the proposed pedagogical initiatives.
In this direction two lab courses of Fluid mechanics and Heat transfer were identified and revamped for enhanced learning of thermal concepts in the backdrop of student aversion towards these courses. The implementation of course delivery based on the Blooms taxanomy has improved the modus-operandi of delivery of these Lab courses. The categorization of the experiements as Demonstration, Exercise, Structured enquiry and open-ended enquiry has given ample opportunity for faculty to address the ABET 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3g and 3k criterion to a greater extent.
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- David P. DeWitt, Richard S. Figliola, "Heat Transfer Education: Integration of the Thermal Sciences Strem ," Purdue Heat Transfer Celebration , West Lafayette, IN, April 3-5, 2002, pages 61-66.
- http://web.mit.edu/edtech/casestudies/teal.html.
- Lyle D. Feisel, P.E., "The Role of The Laboratory In Under Graduate Engineering Education," Journal of Engineering Education, 2005, Pages 121-130.
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- N..R. Banapurmath, P.P. Revankar and R.S. Hosmath, "Outcome based pedagogical approach for Energy conversion laboratory course of Mechanical Engineering UG Programme," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education, ICTIEE 2014, 2015, XVIII, 634 p.