Engineering Practices Lab: A Multidisciplinary Laboratory Course
Engineering Practices is a Laboratory course designed uniquely to fit all aspects of engineering, mainly mechanical, electrical and electronics. Today is the world of engineering, specially the conglomeration of all streams of engineering. Hence it is better for upcoming engineering graduates to learn some basics from all streams. Though there are many theory classroom courses, still lack of practical knowledge is also to be considered. Engineering Practices lab is a unique course which can overcome above mentioned drawback.
The Engineering Practices lab fits in properly with traditional Workshop Practices Lab for freshmen and the same was utilized even at BVBCET. Efforts of 1 year have been put to come up with better content in the syllabus. This paper gives an idea of what are the contents of the Engineering Practices Lab and how they are relevant for engineering graduates.
Students have enjoyed and highly appreciated this course because of its uniqueness. Care has been taken to include all main aspects of engineering namely mechanical, electrical and electronics. Attempts are being made to include robotics in to its curriculum to make much more interesting and relevant.
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