Innovative Teaching Approach: To Transfer Focus from Teachers to Learners
In a modern view of learning students are expected to be active in the learning process by participating collaborative activities. There is big question in front of many faculty members how can we personalize and customize learning and yet make it efficient and effective. There are many technologies available for teaching and learning. However abstract thinking is a vital skill when learning Object oriented & Architecture oriented technology in computer science Engineering and Electronic Engineering. According to our study students in the classroom as well as in industry encounter difficulties in thinking in abstract terms while practicing object oriented development. The blackboard teaching is not that much effective to involve them into the learning process [6]. This work is basically conducted to explore the present modern resources. This generation students are becoming intelligence rich, they are interested to gain knowledge not just through the conventional methods of teaching but also through new teaching methodologies.
The aim of this work is to explore the opinion of students about teaching methodologies they found as the most interesting and best to learn these types of subjects. Some group based activities Jigsaw (Write-Break & Make), Simulation, Top-Down approach, Activity based Teaching are presented here to make teaching learning process more efficient and knowledge sharing and make focus transfer from teachers to the learners.
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