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An Institute Interaction with EMC Corporation for Enhanced Learning of Storage Area Network Course
Information storage is a central pillar of information technology. To enhance student awareness about Information Storage Technology, Storage Area Network (SAN) course was introduced for undergraduate students at VII semester level in Information Science & Engineering curricula. SAN deals with storing, managing, and protecting Digital Information in Classic, Virtualized, and Cloud Environments. EMC's open curriculum, aimed at addressing the knowledge gap that exists in the IT industry in the area of information storage and emerging technologies. The Storage Area Network (SAN)/Information Storage and Management (ISM) course proposed by EMC Academic Alliance is designed and developed to enable students to achieve a comprehensive understanding of all the segments of storage technology. Here SAN course was designed by considering EMC Academic Alliance course contents and framed Course Learning Objectives. Course activity was dedicated for the study and presentation of white papers on EMC products related to the concepts which they have studied. Industry visit to EMC Corporation was organized to gain knowledge about current storage technologies and how storage concepts are implemented in Data Center. At the end of the course, an EMC Proven Professional Certification online exam was conducted in our college. Through this course we have mapped some of the program outcomes with ABET criteria.
SAN, ISM, EMC Corporation, EMC Proven Professional Certification, CIE, SEE.
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- Mahmood Niazi, "Teaching Global Software Engineering: Planning and Preparation Using a Bloom's Taxonomy", Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013.
- Ed Van Sickle, "A course in storage Technologies From EMC Corporation for use in Computer Science and/Or Information Technology Curricula" in proceedings of the world congress on Engineering and computer Science, 2007.
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- Ulf Troppens, Wolfgang Muller-Fried, Rainer Wolafka, Rainer Erkens and Nils Houstein, Storage Networks Explained, 2nd Edition. Wiley, 2009.
- Somsundaram Gnanasundaram and Alok Shrivastava, Information Storage and Management, 1st Edition, Wiley, 2009.
- ABET criteria 2000, Accrediation Board for Engineering and Technology.
- Hecker, Daniel, "Occupational employment projections to 2012, "Monthly Labor Review, February 2004, pp. 80-105.