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Engineering Design: A Sophomore Course for Undergraduates in Electrical Sciences
In this era of technological advances many engineering solutions have improved the quality of living for mankind. The focus has been on innovative designs in engineering education. This process has to be strengthened by engineering the design across all domains of engineering. Engineering Design as a course has been offered by universities restricting the curriculum to Mechanical Sciences. particularly in the domain of Mechanical and Industrial Production Engineering. The need to evolve pedagogy for Electrical Sciences students is the challenge which has been addressed through this paper. Curriculum design and delivery, course outcomes and attainments of an undergraduate course for Electrical Sciences is presented here. Pedagogical practices include domain specific case studies, skill development in laboratory, activity based learning, course projects and continuous evaluation. The implementation of course is analyzed with respect to attainment of the outcomes (ABET a-k). Validation of some of the course outcomes is demonstrated through sample case studies as applied to the specific domain of Electronics & Communication, Electrical & Electronics, and Instrumentation Technology (ECE, EEE, IT).
Engineering Design, Electrical Sciences, ABET Outcomes, Curriculum Design.
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