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Product Dissection: A Method for Hands on Engineering Education
There is a need to make Engineering education more hands on. Traditionally this was done through labs. However, a method developed for hands on engineering, understanding engineering concepts, choices and designs is Product Dissection. The history of PD is examined and its' evolution as well as the superset of PD - Experiential Learning which has also developed from the time of Confucius to Kolb. The design of a PD course is seen as done at Stanford and other North American Universities, and is adapted to an Indian University in its' inaugural year. The course design, its' comparison with existing models and relation to EL are shown. The practice of the course, challenges faced and what were the results of the evaluations done are given. Also the type of assessment needed to drive engagement and hands on work by students is illustrated. In conclusion the problems faced are summarized and their resolution discussed.
Product Dissection (PD), Experiential Learning (EL) Course Design, Hands-On, Challenges.
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- Sheppard, S.: Mechanical Dissection: An Experience in How Things Work, Proceedings of the Engmeering: Curriculum Innovation & Integration, Santa Barbara, CA, Jan. 6-10, (1992).
- 2008 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition : A Hands-On Product Dissection Workshop for Engineering Educators. es.pdf.
- Anubhuti Bishnoi Indian Express 11th Oct 2012 NIC lesson on learning: Tod-Fod-Jod
- Colin Beard Sheffield Hallam University (doctoral Thesis): Experiential learning: The Development of a Pedagogic Framework for Effective Practice.
- Margot Brereton, Sheri Sheppard and Larry Leifer; International conference on Engineering Design ICED 95 Praha, August 22-24, 1995 How students connect engineering fundamentals to hardware design: Observations and Implications for the Design of Curriculum and Assessment Methods
- Thomas Doyle, McMaster University: AC 2009-2068: cornerstone design: Product dissection in a common first-year engineering design and graphics course
- Prof. Sheri D. Sheppard ME99 - Mechanical Dissection Autumn, 1992-93 ME99 Course Outline
- Jeremy Roschelle, Reed Stevens & Charlotte Linde Institute for Research on Learning Drill Dissection Formative In-Depth Assessment Report