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Undergraduate Students' Research: A Case Study of their Experiences and Perceptions in an Autonomous Institution
Undergraduate students are the important element of any University/Institution involved in higher education and research. They influence the education system and their involvement, experience and satisfaction determines the success or failure of any Institution. Research is an integral component of the teaching-learning process and it has been found that academic excellence depends on research excellence. In this context, there is a need to involve undergraduate students in the research activities in different disciplines, in order to train them to understand the nuances of research. In fact the involvement of undergraduate students in faculty research activities is very minimal and they are denied the benefits of a research-based learning experience. This paper tries to present the current status of involvement of undergraduate students in research activities in two departments in an autonomous Institution. It discusses the students' awareness, experiences and perceptions and suggests measures that can be taken to increase their involvement in research.
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