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Implementation of OBE Approach for Computer Algorithms Course and it's Outcome
Our IT program contains a course, Computer Algorithms (CA) for Second Year of Engineering. This course is newly introduced in the IT curriculum. Before teaching this subject I had interaction with the students who have already studied this subject in the last year. Based on the discussion, I realized that understanding of algorithms is one of the most challenging aspects for the students. Many complicated concepts and algorithms make this course to be a difficult one. Then, I have designed the concept map and OBE approach which determines, what students are expected to achieve after the completion of this course. Also, the activity plan is prepared to implement the OBE approach. The main goal of this paper is to provide an environment that engages the students allowing the construction of knowledge in a meaningful way by incorporating various interactive activities such as poster design, group presentations, animations, Quizzes, etc. This paper presents how the OBE approach for Computer algorithm course is implemented at our Institute.
Computer Algorithm, Concept Map, OBE, Outcome, Mapping.
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- Leigh Ann Sudol "Deepening Students' Understanding of Algorithms: Effects of Problem Context and Feedback Regarding Algorithmic Abstraction" June 2011.
- Michael D. Byrnea, Richard Catramboneb, John T. Staskoc, "Evaluating animations as student aids in learning computer algorithms", June 1999; accepted 27 September 1999.
- Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L, Rivest and Clifford, "Introduction to algorithms".