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Defining Learning Outcomes of Co-Curricular Activities: Integrating Desired Commonalities



  • Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India



Higher education scenario is undergoing a massive transformation, triggered by host of events. The efforts are on to recalibrate Higher Education all over the world. Paradigm shift is from teaching to learning. Realization of learning as a conscious process and importance of formal and informal learning spaces is gathering pace. It has been felt that need is to make learning tangible and measurable. Defining outcome of the courses and programmes are the part of Outcome Based Education, but formal and core courses target cognitive and psychomotor domain in Engineering curriculum but affective domain still remains untouched. The affective domains can be taught and learned through informal learnings. This paper will throw light upon the efforts of defining the co-curricular activities which, inculcates affective domain in a more robust manner. The precise and tangible outcome in the activities mostly related with affective domain are termed as Activity Learning Outcome (ALOs). The activities which can be the part of teaching - learning methodology like blogging and virtual labs or cooperative teaching and industrial visits, have well-articulated outcomes in sync with Bloom's Taxonomy. The paper will discuss the desired commonalities and its manifestation in the Activity learning outcomes (ALOs) for education giving impetus to systemic or holistic thinking, the assimilation of different perspectives, skills such as critical thinking, interpersonal relations and communication, and finally different attitudes and values.


Activity Learning Outcomes, Affective Domain, Holistic Education.

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