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An Active Learning Strategy Think-PairFree Open Source Software-share to Teach Engineering Cources
TPS (Think-Pair-Share) is a cooperative learning strategy where students think about their responses for a problem given by instructor then discuss their individual solutions in pairs and share those solutions with the class. Think-PairFree-Open-Source-Software-Share (TPFOSSS) is a modified activity of TPS in which free open source software can be used in TPS activity. How these two activities can be used in teaching the engineering courses is explained in this paper. Here, the case study of Theory of Computation which is the core course of Computer Science and Engineering and the base for many other courses like System Programming, Compiler Construction, etc. is considered. These TPS and TPFOSSS activities are employed for the Theory of Computation course to improve students' conceptual understanding. In this paper, one group Pre-Test Post-Test model is considered. Experimental results, students' perception about these activities and effectiveness of these activities are also presented in the study.
Think-Pair-Share (TPS), Think-PairFOSS-Share (TPFOSSS), Theory of Computation (TOC), t-Test.
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- source_software.